Here are some of the resources that I have also shared through Dojo:  Please contact me for login and password.
Quizizz practice-  Go to  Here are the codes for the practices:  054864, 869151, 299613, 009472, 174469, 412563.  Epic is a digital library that is a great resource for online books.  Our class code is giz3408.  There is an app you can download on mobile devices.
Flipgrid video for fun! Your child can record a short video and post on this link to share an update with classmates.
Other resources can be accessed through Clever:  iReady reading and math, Brainpop, Nitrotype, Quizizz, Common Lit, etc.  They must add to their username login when accessing Clever.  There are also many other resources on LLE Student Resources page
Also, here is a link to the district's online curriculum resources: RCS online resources
Nothing is required or graded; these are optional resources for at-home learning.
Scholastic is now offering ship to home.  If you'd like to place an order, here is the link: Shop Scholastic. Our class code is LVZDV.  Thank you!