Jennifer Patterson » Little Hawks Physical Fitness Challenge

Little Hawks Physical Fitness Challenge

      LaVergne Lake Elementary
  Move Your Muscles Physical
          Activity Challenge 
*Please choose 1 activity or more a day to keep you and your family on the move. Feel free to use the chart at the end of this page to keep up with your student’s physical activity. I would also love for you to take a picture and/or short video of it and email it to me at the email addresses listed or add it to Dojo for your classmates and teacher to see what you are up too. This is all optional, however. I would love to give you and your family a virtual high-five for staying active during this crazy time. Please know I miss you all!! Remember, muscles were made for movement! Movement increases brain powe which  helps you learn. ENJOY and HAVE FUN!! [email protected]
Outdoor Activities:
Soccer - You can use any type of softer ball and 1 or 2 make- shift goals. Any 2 obstacles may be used to make the boundaries of a goal. Play against family or set up obstacles to dribble around.
Throw & Catch – Gloves are an option. Use a softer ball if you do not have a glove. Don’t forget to step with your opposite foot.. remember: Sideways on your surfboard, ( T,L,C, and check your change with your hands on opposite hip).
Corn Hole - If you do not have Corn Hole boards, use paper plates for targets, and zip-locks with dry beans or rice for bags. You can make an underhand toss target out of it. Can use wadded up socks too. Make-up your own challenges.
Ride Your Bike - With permission and guidance of an adult, take a ride around your driveway or neighborhood. Try to ride for at least 15 minutes if possible. Don’t forget your helmet!
Go on a Walk or a BEAR (animal) HUNT - I don’t know about you, but I sure have noticed lots of bears out in my neighborhood. You might have as well. Take a walk with a grown family member and count how many teddy bears or animals you see! You can add them up or break them into colors and sizes too!
Jump Rope - We sure practiced hard on this. If you have a jump rope, practice all of those skills we worked on; forward jump, backwards jump, one- foot hop, and side to side. 2nd grade: don’t forget the side swing, and criss-cross. (Remember you also could use your imaginary jump rope or even use a hula hoop).
Hopscotch – Use sidewalk chalk or a rock to draw out your hopscotch pattern. Don’t forget the numbers. Toss your rock to a number box, and make sure you hop over that number on the way down. Be sure to pick it up on the way back. Be creative with your designs!
Tag! – You know the rules.
Hide and seek – No explanation needed.
Basketball – Practice dribbling skills, shooting, or friendly games of Horse, Gotcha or trick shots.
CREATE YOUR OWN ACTIVITY – Use your imagination!
Indoor/Rainy Day Activities:
Vo-boon - blow up a balloon and use your couch or bed as a “net”. Don’t let the balloon hit on your side or POINT for the other team. First to 10 wins!
Laundry Relay – FIRST help a parent or older sibling fold laundry. You read that right Have someone time you running the pile of towels or your clothes (one at a time) to put them up. Ready! Set! GO! Don’t forget to put them up nice and neat.
Jumping Jacks Challenge – Count how many jumping jacks you can do in 2 minutes? Can you make it to 100?
Dancing with the Stars – pick your favorite song and do your best dance moves for the entire song. Then challenge a family member. Do this for 3 songs each.
Animal Yoga - Have your parents google “Yoga for kids” or “Animal Yoga”. There are pictures and videos of yoga stretches for kids. Many are named after animals. Draw your favorite animal that you posed?

Activity Chart
Week of _____________





What was your favorite activity and why?